The Master of Environmental Engineering at Diponegoro University has sent two students, namely Ansori Ikbal and Rahayu Puji Safitri to Japan for a student exchange program at Toyohashi University of Technology on Saturday, March 26, 2022. This program is a collaboration between lecturers of the Department of Environmental Engineering at Diponegoro University, Pertiwi Andarani, S.T., M.Eng., M.Sc., Ph.D., with a lecturer in Civil Engineering and Architecture at Toyohashi University of Technology, Prof. Takanobu Inoue and the scholarship provider, Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). The program will be implemented for 3 months from April to June.

This program is the first student exchange program at the Diponegoro University Environmental Engineering Masters Program. These activities include research related to water quality and metal content in soil, introduction to research and publications in Japan, as well as introduction to Japanese language, culture, and lifestyle. It is hoped that this program will provide opportunities for students to develop an interest in research.