Master Study Program (S2, PSMTL)
Study Program Permit:
Accreditation – Decree :
Graduates Degree :
Magister Teknik (MT)
The Department of Environmental Engineering is one of the majors in the Faculty of Engineering (FT), Diponegoro University (Undip). This department majors in environmental engineering and management in order to overcome or prevent problems related to the environmental field. There are 9 permanent lecturers with different areas of expertise. Established for the first time in 2018, the Master Study currently has 19 students.
Scientific Vision:
The scientific vision in the master of environmental engineering, FT Undip is in pollution control engineering and environmental infrastructure engineering.
Managing Unit of Study Program Missions:
- To organize the best master’s education in the field of Engineering and Environmental Management so as to produce graduates who are competitive and have a high entrepreneurial spirit.
- To conduct research and publications as well as efforts to obtain ownership of Intellectual Property Rights in the field of Environmental Engineering and Management.
- To perform community service and collaborate with stakeholders to produce effective solutions to environmental problems as an effort to apply science in the field of Environmental Engineering and Management.
- To carry out planned and regular evaluations in the organization of institutions to improve the quality of professionalism, capability, accountability, and governance as well as independence
Curriculum of PSMTL
The PSMTL curriculum has been developed and evaluated by involving stakeholders such as professional associations, alumni, practitioners (industry-consultant), bureaucrats so that they are always adaptive to the competency required by the market following KKNI PPP No.8/2012 for the Masters level (level 8). The PSMTL curriculum is also evaluated against government policies such as the implementation of an independent curriculum. In addition, most recently, the curriculum is designed for by course and by research programs. Each semester’s teaching program is also evaluated for adherence to the study materials contained in the lesson plans. The implementation of RPS-based teaching is carried out by peer-review among lecturers. The academic atmosphere is always maintained in learning at PSMTL both physical and virtual interactions. Integration of research and community service is also carried out in PSMTL learning to show the synergy of the focus of education, research and community service. The existence of this synergy produces good quality learning outcomes, namely the GPA of PSMTL students is in the range of 3.40 – 4.00. Student satisfaction with PSMTL is also very good in terms of reliability, responsiveness, certainty, empathy and tangible.
Syllabus of Master Program